The meaning of "frazzled" is feeling exhausted, stressed, or overwhelmed. It can also describe someone who looks untidy or disheveled due to stress or fatigue. It can be used to describe both physical and emotional states and often implies a state of being pulled in many directions or having too much to handle.
"Frazzled"의 뜻은 피로하고, 스트레스 받고, 혼란스러운 상태를 나타냅니다. 피로 또는 스트레스 때문에 난처하고 헉헉한 모습을 표현하는 것도 가능합니다. 몸집과 정서적 상태 모두에 적용 가능하며, 많은 방향으로끌려있거나 다루기 힘든 것을 의미합니다.
frazzled: (adj) stressed, flustered, exhausted, confused, tired, and worried, distracted
She was frazzled from lack of sleep.
After a long day of testing, the students looked frazzled.
She felt frazzled after a long day at work and dealing with multiple tasks.
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